5 Creative Strategies to Attract Top Talent

5 Creative Strategies to Attract Top Talent

5 Unique Ways to Recruit Top Talent

  1. Work on your team culture
  2. Use Social Media to attract the perfect candidate
  3. Employee benefits can create a great incentive
  4. Your employees are the best recruitment tool
  5. Invest in your employees

Every employer wants to hire top talent, especially for positions that are critical to the company’s performance — and managing to attract the best of the best really pays off: according to McKinsey, superior talent is up to eight times more productive than average employees.
But how can you stand out among the tough competition in today’s job market to recruit the best employees for your company?Hiring the ideal candidate for an open job position might be tough, but it is not impossible. Use these techniques to attract the perfect addition to your team:

1. Employee-focused Culture

Having a strong and well-conceived company culture is important because job candidates are more likely to feel connected to a business when their personal needs and values are consistent with those of the company they are thinking of joining. In fact, more than one-third of workers would decline an offer for their dream job if the corporate culture did not align with their personal values.The ideal company culture, particularly in terms of attracting new talent, is employee-focused. This means that the culture within the company revolves around all staff members and employees being the core of all activities. The following aspects need to be considered when creating an employee-focused culture:

  • Fairness and respect
  • Transparent leadership
  • Collaboration among different teams
  • Open communication on all levels
  • Regular feedback sessions with superiors
  • Recognition for jobs well done
  • Fair work-life-balance

If you want to captivate top talent, good company culture and comfortable work environment must be detectable even for non-employees. Use them as a selling point during the recruiting process.

2. Social Media Recruiting

A whopping 73% of job seekers between the ages of 18 and 34 found their last job through social media, showing just how important connecting to candidates online really is. Once you have built a trustworthy and informative online presence for your brand, you can reach out directly to suitable candidates or — even better — have them come to you first.

Before making the job advertisement public, use savvy social media search techniques to personally select top talent. Seek out individuals on LinkedIn or Facebook with applicable prior experience or locate online groups that cater to the professionals you’re looking for. Additionally, you can type in keywords on Twitter and Instagram related to the open position’s required skills. Actively approaching interesting candidates requires effort but will ultimately save you time by not having to weed through hundreds of unsuitable applicants.

3. Offer Perks Employees Can Actually Use

Top candidates will carefully consider all benefits, perks, and remuneration offered by companies during their job hunt. A lot of businesses these days provide their employees with extensive benefits packages, which makes standing out among the competition more difficult. However, you can set yourself apart from other companies and win top talent over by offering benefits they can actually profit from and use regularly.

Since 63% of candidates take company benefits into careful consideration during the recruitment process, offering the right ones is important. A corporate benefit worth investing in is complimentary office lunch. Free or subsidized food is seen as a major perk and increases the job satisfaction rate by a whopping 67%. Giving staff members daily access to paid-for meals has many positive impacts on both the employee as well as the company. Among other things, they positively influence the physical wellbeing and performance of employees, leading to fewer sick days and higher productivity. Our online canteen Bella&Bona provides workers with daily lunch and a variety of dishes to choose from, including vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options. Our service is healthy, time-saving, convenient, and affordable and can be used as an incentive for top talent during their job hunt. If you are interested in our service, visit our website for more information or contact us here.

4. Employee Ambassadors

The best “recruitment tool” already exists within your company: your employees. Workers who are engaged and connected in your organization and who can share their enthusiasm outside the workplace are an important asset that you should leverage. Multiple studies have shown that candidates who have been referred by an existing employee are more likely to accept a position, stay on the job for a longer period of time and have a higher level of job satisfaction.

Employee ambassadors have the opportunity to “humanize” a brand and make the job offer seem more trustworthy and honest.Establishing an employee referral program is one of the most cost-effective talent acquisition tactics available. Get employees on board and ask them to refer qualified friends, family members, or old colleagues in exchange for earning rewards. Incentives can include cash bonuses or additional time off.

5. Professional Development

Training is often overlooked as a profitable retention and recruitment tool. However, offering training as a benefit can not only make your company more appealing and attract in-demand candidates, it also increases the collective knowledge of your team. Supporting your employees’ education can have an immediate effect on productivity and raise overall staff expertise when staff members with vastly different backgrounds and levels of experience are encouraged to share information with each other.

Here’s what professional development can entail:

  • Academic degrees
  • Formal coursework
  • Educational conferences
  • Informal learning opportunities
  • Training programs
  • Pursuing accreditations

Many employees crave the opportunity to enhance their skills and grow their talent. When you offer top candidates the opportunity to work outside their comfort zones, ambitious applicants will jump at the chance of a challenge because they want to test their boundaries and push their limits. Investing in professional development will allow them to recognize that your company does in fact care about their future and focuses on building a culture of respect and consideration.

At Bella & Bona, we are always trying to improve the way we empower and develop our people. In case you feel your company is struggling with that, take a look at this article on how to create a Staff Development Strategy. We really found it helpful and we hope it will be the same for you!

Thank you for your time and attention so far. We really hope that this article will be beneficial for your dietary habits and health at large!

At Bella & Bona our mission is to provide amazing companies’ employees with the healthy food they deserve to feel better and achieve more. If you are interested in revolutionizing your Company lunch, feel free to ask for a free consultation on our website and see if we can be useful for you.

*Written by Charline Wi

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